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Nose Bleed ( Epistaxis ) : Triage

Epistaxis, commonly known as a nosebleed, ranks among the most prevalent emergencies related to the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) encountered in both emergency departments and primary care settings. This condition is broadly categorized into two types: anterior and posterior nosebleeds. Anterior nosebleeds are more common and typically originate from Kiesselbach's plexus (also known as Little's area) located on the anterior nasal septum, accounting for about 90% of such episodes. In contrast, posterior nosebleeds, though less frequent, tend to be more severe and are more likely to necessitate medical intervention due to their potential for significant blood loss.

Nosebleeds Triage Form

General Assessment

1. When did the nosebleed start?
2. Which nostril is affected?
3. How much blood has been lost?

History and Risk Factors

4. Have you experienced any previous episodes of nosebleeds?
5. Have you had recent nasal trauma or surgery?
6. Have...

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