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Chest pain in adults : triage

Chest pain in adults is a complex and multifaceted symptom that presents a significant diagnostic challenge in both primary care settings and emergency departments. Its aetiology spans a broad spectrum, ranging from benign and self-limited conditions, such as chest wall pain, to serious disorders, including anxiety disorders, and extends to life-threatening conditions like unstable angina, aortic dissection, and pulmonary embolism. The critical task for healthcare providers is to accurately identify the underlying cause of chest pain, ensuring that life-threatening and serious conditions are promptly recognized and treated without subjecting patients with less severe causes to unnecessary testing and treatment.

Chest Pain Triage Form

1. Do you currently have chest pain?
2. When was your last episode of chest pain?

3. What is the nature of the chest pain?
4. Where is the pain located, and does it radiate to other areas (e.g., neck, back, arms)?
5. How severe is the pain on a scale of 1-10?

6. Is the pain constant, or does it come and go?
7. Does the pain get worse with activity, breathing, or eating?
8. Does anything relieve the pain?

9. Are you experiencing any associated symptoms?...

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