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Abdominal pain in adults ( Men ) : Triage

Abdominal pain is a prevalent complaint among adult men, constituting a substantial proportion of healthcare visits and hospital admissions. It ranks as one of the most frequent reasons for seeking medical care, accounting for approximately 5-10% of all emergency department visits in the United States. Epidemiological studies indicate that about 20-40% of adults experience abdominal pain annually, with a significant portion of these cases involving men.

While abdominal pain is a common symptom across both genders, there are notable differences in its prevalence and underlying causes among men. Lower abdominal pain, for instance, is reported to affect up to 25% of adult men at some point in their lives. The incidence of acute abdominal pain severe enough to require hospitalization is estimated at around 1 in 1,000 adults per year, with men being slightly less likely than women to be hospitalized for this issue.

Abdominal Pain Initial Assessment

Abdominal Pain Initial Assessment

Abdominal Pain Initial Assessment

Abdominal Pain Initial Assessment

1. Where is the pain located?
Does the pain stay in one place, or does it move around?
2. When did the pain start?
Was the onset sudden or gradual?
3. Can...

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